Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Arranging Music and Debating My Hair...

It is now two days since I got my new music writing program, and already I've created my five-part masterpiece for saxophone. If you've ever heard the song People Get Ready, then you'll know just how I was inspired to arrange the piece for a saxophone quintet (or sax choir, depending on if I manage to swing it with the whole section). It includes two alto sax parts, three tenor sax parts (sorry altos, it just turned out that way) and a wicked fun bari part. I completed the 63 bars that I arranged yesterday, and have since moved on to much more difficult (and frustrating) things.

Have you heard the song Layla by Eric Clapton? Can you even imagine how sweet that would sound arranged for saxophone?? I've already finished the intro (the part with the awesome guitar riff) and I'm now working on the key change and actual verses and lyrics which sounds like it would be easy, but let me tell you. IT ISN'T. I'm doing the whole song by ear because I don't have music for it, which is different from People Get Ready, which I based on the piano score I already had. As if it wasn't difficult enough to figure out that whacky rhythm progression (syncopation much??) now I'm trying to get through this key change and it is nearly making my brain burst. I just can't get that note right! If anyone wants to work out what the heck is up with those notes, please help me. I'd rather like to not lose my sanity over something that sounds vaguely like C#m7.

Now, the next issue I'm pondering. Before school starts again, I'm getting a haircut, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I really enjoyed having short hair, but I don't know if I want to go into that kind of commitment. I can always cut it shorter if I don't like it, but if its short, and I miss my long hair, will I be totally pissed off? But I think I want to cut it short before performance season starts up in May-ish, so I don't have to french braid it. Do I want to do that now and just keep that style until then? Will I look too young with short hair? Or too old? And if I keep it long, what style do I want anyways? I like being able to do things with my long hair, but I also like the things I can do with short... Haha, wouldn't that surprise the bejeezus out of Nico when I see him next? Actually, wouldn't it surprise everyone?
New dimension to the problem! If I cut my hair short, will I need to get new glasses? Cause right now they're really huge, but my hair balances things out somewhat. Ah!! The decision hurts my brain! Plus, another ponderable about my hair, who's gonna cut it? If its the same guy as last time, I have no worries at all about short or long, or anything, because he's absolutely magic with scissors and I'd highly recommend his services to anyone, expensive as they are. Luckily, last time I got it complementary because the guy cuts my mom's hair.
I really hope it goes ok, cause I'm rather neurotic about the little things. Even though my hair isn't that nice now, I'd really like it to be better.

I'm really leaning toward short for spring...

1 comment:

StephJP said...

Short hair was not good for me. I mean, I have absolutely nothing against short hair, it's's so different on me. I have the longest hair ever and 2 summers ago decided it was getting boring and cut off practically 6 inches (so it was just a bit past my shoulders) and GOD DID I HATE IT! Anyways. Your hair looks good, don't worry Kim. And it'd definitely be much more breezy than with longggg hair.