Friday, December 22, 2006

December 21-22 (so far)

So, this is my first foray into the world of mobile blogging. True, I'm sitting writing this two feet from an actual computer (actually, probably less than two. How big is a foot anyway? Stupid imperial system), but don't ruin the buzz.
I just got interrupted to go set the table and put away some laundry. Now I'm sitting on the couch waiting for supper. I wonder what it will be?
Still no supper. It's 5:35, we leave in approximately 40 minutes for band so therefore supper must be soon. Right?? If not, I'm gonna be one hungry band geek. Speaking of which, I am just sooooo excited for CRUB tonight! Even though Nico won't be there, which is sad (partly because he's on a cruise and I'm not, partly, well, it's rather obvious). Yay! Hamburger time!
I'm in the van right now and we're headed to Best Buy for some Christmas shopping. This truly is my favorite holiday. Gifts, excellent food, big break from school, everyone wins!
We have a pretty nice van, now that I think of it. Despite its overwhelming beige-ness, its pretty nice. It even has electric, automatic doors (even though one doesn't work). Whenever we drive friends places the doors usually mess them up one way or another. Some people assume they door's just sticky, so they yank the heck out of it. Other people have an easier time with our crazy vehicle. One thing that's kind of annoying to me about the van is its random fruit punch stain under one of the seats. No one in my family remembers how it got there, and now its permanently ingrained into the carpet. Luckily no one but my seems bothered by it.
I can see ikea! What a giant blue store. And what's with the random colorful flags? All they say is IKEA but you'd think people would make the connection without the huge flags out front. Oh well, Ikea is still super cool.


StephJP said...

Haha very cool kim. The novelty will wear off eventually, though. Don't worry, it's taking an abnormally long time for me :P i love my blog. Anyways, keep up the random posts, i'll keep commenting.

Joi Grey said...

lmao nice steph... I figured out how to make one... YAY!!! so I did... and its sorta demented though... needs more stuff. but yeah you comment loads... comment on mine and add me k?


StephJP said...

Oh...I took a while to read kims blog and her comments. Considering I had to sneak onto a computer, this isn't that bad. Just think about it.

Anyways, I think you're regretting saying comment loads. Especially since I have been...excessively.