Thursday, December 21, 2006


You may be wondering why this blog got named "kim - on the road" when you are most definitely not on the road while reading this. Obviously. But, upon the gifting of my new pocket PC type thingy, I'm free to write my blog whenever. Wherever. And I fully plan to. Prepare to hear random rants about the idiots on my bus, insane ramblings from LA class, you name it, I plan to type about it. Actually, right now I'm nowhere. I'm in my basement writing on a computer, which is really boring, but later I might write from somewhere fascinating. Like the van.


StephJP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
StephJP said...

Woah lol ok

Sorry i deleted that. All it said was "yay kim" so i thought i'd add on to it with a better comment and delete that one, but obviously it wasn't deleted totally. Très interessante.

Ok well good luck with blogging!

Sofy =0 said...

wow...that'd take a while to type from a pocket pc thingy XD
good luck O.O