Saturday, December 23, 2006

How Lame Am I?

Ok, let me describe to you what I do on holidays when I don't have anything to do, or anyone to talk to. Today (after a strangely productive morning and early afternoon), I sat on the couch with the laptop sitting beside me watching Scrubs on DVD for 4 hours or so, periodically switching between eating chips and chocolate, and then wishing I was still eating junk food. After a significant amount of time without stuffing my face some more, I dozed off and curled up in the corner of the couch to have a nap (tv still on, as is laptop), and woke up 45 minutes later when somebody signed in on msn and the *ding* from the speaker woke me from my relaxation induced slumber. I then talked to Amanda for a while, but when she left I was left to entertain myself with some more Scrubs and reading of peoples blogs. I then felt inadequate because I had nothing good to write about, which is why I'm telling you this now.

So, in short, best day ever, but now I'm a little sad that I am such a lame person. So many of my friends are on trips, or visiting family, or writing full-out novels for gosh sakes, and all I'm doing is wondering how long I'd have to run on the treadmill to make myself not feel guilty for eating that whole chocolate bar. At least my lip chap smells like coconut. All is well again.
I've been thinking that maybe I should take a leaf out of David's book and put some of my writing on here from LA class. I only have one real story that would be fit to post on the internet, but in the future if I figure out how, I can post some of my music that I've written/arranged on here. Other people write with words, I write with music. Most of it hasn't been documented though... Maybe I should get on that.

If anyone actually knows how I could put music on here that I've done, let me know as I'm totally clueless.

In other news, this couch is still comfortable, even after sitting here all day. Also, I came up with some really good chords I'm hoping to write a full song around, but I'm having some serious writers block with the words I'm going to put to this music. Speaking of music, on the bus yesterday the guy I sit beside had two of his friends on the bus and they all had guitars so they told me the chords they were riffing on and I joined in on the accordion I so conveniently had with me. Yay, fun on the bus.

Other random stories... hmmm... this morning (the not so lame part of the day) I went to the church for the rehearsal for the Christmas Eve service. It was very long and tedious, and when I sang the french verse I totally messed up and said the wrong words in part of it. Luckily no one noticed. Except possibly the guy that was in french immersion last year, but he didn't mention it so I'm gonna hope he wasn't paying attention to my incredibly awful pronunciation. For the record, I do not speak french at all, but singing it on really high notes is fun. I really hope I don't freak out in front of everyone at the real thing tomorrow. Good thing I'm singing O Holy Night in C, which doesn't go above my strident range. I can hit three and a half octaves, but when you really get up there its probably not going to sound good.

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm going to be singing in front of a couple hundred people. Plus my entire extended family. What was I thinking??


Joi Grey said...

I feel badly that on one has commented so yeah i decided to. Your day sounds better than mine, I'm jealous. I walked for an hour downtown, went to work for 5 hours... and then walked back. It was cold. And word to the wise... this applies for almost everyone... NEVER, EVER, EVER stray off the beaten path in Bankview ok? Just don't do it. I've learned my lesson. So yeah word to the wise there. Well enjoy hanging out on the couch watching Scrubs lol.

StephJP said...

What's Scrubs? Should I know this?

Should I be mortified I don't know this?

StephJP said...

Yeah, you better go hide. Btw, Kim, it's the sunday before that monday when everybody gets together? And I can't sleep. It's like 1:22 in the morning, and I really can't sleep.

So I've decided to read AND comment on every single post on your blog. Yes, I am bored.