Friday, May 18, 2007

Fiction!! (ish)

She looks at him across the huge room, people surrounding both of them. She watched him a lot, actually, although not once did she ever catch him looking back. Not that she minded, he was awfully busy as she knew. She knew he was an important guy there. As she blew her too-long bangs out of her face, she looked back down to her music. Not that she needed to check it. She knew it so well she sang it in the shower, for god's sakes.
He was deep in conversation with his friend, the girl next to him. Not that she was jealous. Not at all, she wasn't the kind of girl who would get upset with her boyfriend for being around other girls. Not in the least. She even got annoyed by her friends who were like that. She watched as he playfully tapped her arm. She would've paid money for that to be her.
But she went back to her music, delving deeper and deeper into making the loudest, best sound possible until she didn't even think about him at all. About an hour later they met together in the hall, chaos reining all around. People were walking back and forth, laughing, talking. They also were talking. She made good conversation, but when she stared into his eyes listening to what he had to say, all she could think was that she just wanted to put her arms around him, lay her head on his shoulder and listen to him breathe. But that never happens. They come back, week after week, repeating the same cycle. She watches, listens, hopes, but her hope must stand until the next time. "Maybe this time he'll pick up on my hints. Maybe."
Even when it was just them. No one around for miles, perhaps on a bridge or walking down a deserted street. She loved hearing him talk and so she talked back, but the whole time she watched his moving lips thinking "I just want to kiss them for ever and ever. Or at least until we have to go home," and she could have gone for it. She could have taken his hand, pulled him really close, shut her eyes and just let it happen. He would have gotten it then. But she never did. Not once.

This is what she thought as she sat beside him, just their ankles touching beneath the table. This is what she thought as she hugged him from behind. As she rested on his back during a one-time only piggy-back ride. As she looked at him from across the room. Perhaps one day she would get up the nerve to do what she desired to do, but for now she would be fine with talking. Just talking.

1 comment:

StephJP said...

=( I can almost tell how you feel, but not quite.

Since...I'm still a loner lol.

Oh well, that time shall come.