Sunday, March 4, 2007

How I Get By

It seems everyone around me is collapsing under the pressure and stress of life. They're just squeezing by, and it scares the bejeezus out of me that I can't help them at all. Thinking about this made me think, just how do I get by without feeling like that too? Like everything's just piling up and nothing has a point anymore?

It's always concerned me that I don't get worked up about the same things other people do. Others freak out about homework, school grades, extracurriculars, I freak out about friendships, and how people see me (and how I see them). For instance, other people freak about how school is controlling their life. I don't. The way I do it is that I always have something to look forward to. For instance, this past week things could have been really tough. Homework piled up on me from every angle, I was having problems with the new marching for the show, and it was just pretty tough. But all week I was looking forward to last night, the CRUB dance. It's pretty weird that something that straightforward can keep me calm all week. And I know I might be the only person around that can get by like that, but it's just the way I work.

What sucks though is that whenever people get really messed up and depressed and they come to me, I don't know how to empathize with them. And so that really frustrates me cause I can't exactly tell people in their hour of need "sorry, I don't get depressed. can't help ya there!" Because I really DO want to help, I just have no idea how!

I'm so messed up...


StephJP said...

To put it bluntly, I hate you for that. But in a good way, as in "oh, I'd love to be Kim" not "I'd love to kill her". Don't you put it past me, I get crazy sometimes. Unlike depression. I'm almost never depressed. I just get really tired, and am not hyper. Which makes me seem depressed for some reason or another. You rock this world, Kim-girl.

Joi Grey said...

Happy....people....should not tell the people with problems how happy they are. Envy inspiring, that's what they are... oh well, Im not one to judge...


StephJP said...


*sigh* A lonely life I live.