Monday, March 26, 2007

Lose Myself

Sorry for yet another depressing post for you people, but I just watched an Eminem video and now I'm saddish. And now for the worry! In free-verse poem format, ooooooh. (for those of you less educated than I, that means no, rhythm, no rhyme, no rules)

Why do you suppose I'm me?
I know, but do you?
Does anyone really know me?
Or do they just see what's in front of me?
I'm stuck in the background
I guess
It's not who you are
But what you accomplish
What have I accomplished in this world?
People don't know
They only know when I lack it

I'm scared

Of becoming nothing but a relative
Nothing but his girlfriend, her friend
Stuck in the background
I don't know where to go
If I lost it, what would I be?
If deafness falls upon my ears, blindness upon my life
Of becoming normal
Losing my edge
My music, my talent
My self

I'm sorry

For validating myself by you
For following, not leading
For being confused
For distracting
For being so high maintenance
That I take your time, make it my own, just because I need you
For making you read this sad poem.

[Ok, that's it. I'm actually not even that sad, but it's just good to let it out sometimes. Besides, the disorganization of free-verse is so... freeing. Anyways, back to optimism! Oh, and feel free to decipher the bold and italic words. Not that they mean anything in particular.]


StephJP said...

Ooh. Poem. You've caught the craze. And that part (I typed "prat" at first. British words shall prevail!!!) where you say "What have I accomplished in this world? People don't know. They only know when I lack it". My parents are like that ALL THE TIME. When I bring home a test that I got 100% on, they go "that's good" and walk away. But if they find a bad test, they go on for HOURS on how I'm so careless, a fool, stupid, spend too much time on my social life. There's no turning back for me, and I can never catch a breather. It sucks. So I know how you feel.

Nico Bortolin said...

Ok well that little blog sounded really depressing i meen for a second i thought you were trully emo, thank god for that


so ya i think people see u all the time and anyways, i really don't care if people notice me or not.


