Monday, January 29, 2007

Reflections on Leadership

Sounds like a corny self-help book doesn't it? Anyways, I was thinking about leadership. Namely, my band leadershipness (cool word, I know.) You should know, I'm saxophone captain so I have lots to do when it comes to stuff like that. I have one of the larger sections in the band and since it's really one giant section I get to do more cause we're always together.
Captain is a new position for our band. We didn't have them last year, so this time around we really have no idea what we're supposed to do. So far it's been pretty varied throughout the band. I do a lot, currently. I suggest a lot of things for the section, and this weekend I almost got to lead a tenor/bari sectional, but then Dave did woodwind ensemble, so we ran out of time. Disapointing, I know. I did get to do a tenor sectional at grade seven band camp when I was a student leader (even though I was just teaching them how to play D)

In brass, they were recently notified that SL's and captains can't give out pushups or any other kind of discipline. But us woodwinds still can! Although I don't like to unless it's absolutely necessary. My guidelines are the offence has to involve:
  • Damage to an instrument or person
  • Persistent disruption of a rehearsal
  • Complete lack of respect to a leadership person, whether that be staff or student

So you can see, I don't give pushups out very often. So far, only ten to a guy who knocked a stand over onto another person's sax, where it made a rather large dent. That was yesterday, by the way.

I'm very much enjoying having the large amount of freedom I have in my role, because I'm pretty much allowed to do whatever I want, because the woodwind staff trust my judgement. And later in the year I'll be able to do even more on the field and off, as the saxes get to know me better. And maybe I can even make the tenors pay attention more in sectionals. Unlikely, I know.

Cheese on a stick!!


Joi Grey said...

PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!! I know I'm going to get into trouble sometime.... but still I'm now scared of you...I won't kill anyone, so don't worry about that. And I will attempt to pay attention. I promise it's just hard when you have 5 guys all picking on you at the same time, and you're attempting to heal your injured sanity when someone speaks.

StephJP said...

Yikes. I heard about that tenor thing. Sounds very scary. Tee hee...very scary. It rhymes! It lives! Um...Yeah. I'll go now.

Kim said...

How does that rhyme? And the tenor thing wasn't scary in a "AHHHH" way, more "now that's just wrong" way.

Joi Grey said...

I agree...they're so mean! I was attempting to heal my injured self worth when you were talking and I didn't hear what you said and I felt terrible. LOL you'd think they'd lay off after that... I think they need a new target.

Kim said...

Just a follow-up on my leadership stuff, I got to conduct and direct my entire school jazz band last Tuesday! Yay! Even though our jazz band sucks and no one even looks at the baton, it was still quite the acheivement.

Still can't conduct though.