Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Band Politics

I was washing dishes and thinking about band and some things occured to me. People that aren't in band (not school band, I'm talking marching) and people that are new to the band can't possibly imagine the emotional things that come with the organization. I can remember one occasion that's stuck pretty clearly in my mind.
The evening I was named low woodwinds captain was one of the best I've experienced with the band, definitely the best this year. However, the drama attached to the leadership positions isn't easy to forget. On that night I was heading to the gym to join the rest of the band after our leadership team powwow, and I stopped into the bathroom briefly. I closed the door, and I heard someone else in the room, but they were crying. I didn't want to go out and have to be awkward around them, so I hurried out to wash my hands. While I was drying them the person I had heard earlier came out, wiped away the tears, smoothed her clothes and set off up the stairs looking as if nothing had happened. This small experience changed my opinions on my captain position drastically. Now, I know the story behind this girl's experience, and its very different from mine. It's important to me that I do my best to make it better for people in the band, even though sometimes its best that I just stay in the background.
The band's a fantastic experience, but sometimes it just gets to you. I hope I can eliminate that as much as possible this year.


David Reading said...

Yeah... I knew about that, but I don't understand why... Good thoughts.

Joi Grey said...

yay! Kim can make the world a better place!!! Or... so I hope cause right now the world looks a little dismal... but for now I suppose better start of small and make the band a better place!

Kim said...

Yeah, I remembered the occasion randomly, and I felt like writing it down.
Thanks for the comments! Write more!

StephJP said...

Ok I have no clue what happened and how it happened and why it happened. I could go on, but nobody has the attention span long enough to actually read the entire thing. Well, consciously.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.