Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Math Class Woes

You know what makes me angry? When people in my math class ask stupid questions. The teacher just spent 10 minutes telling us what a conjugate is and as soon as she gives us a problem somebody turns around and says, "Kim, what's a conjugate?"
If you hadn't guessed, I'm in math right now. And just for the record, the conjugate of... Wait a minute, I can't write a square root sign. Oh well, now sq means root.

sq5 + sq2 conjugate is sq5 - sq2

Get it? Now stop asking stupid questions!!!


Joi Grey said...

so yeah this is grade 10 math? Cool I'm retarded, but I'm going to commit that to memory so I can sound smart next year. I HATE MATH!!! But it's nice you understand it cause then you can help me lol :) and algebra... *shudders* I have a test on that tomorrow... should I read the textbook? Is it worth the time and energy? I'm not sure... oh well I'll think about it.

Kim said...

Ha, read a textbook?? Heresay.

Although if people keep doing that I will hurt somebody. Or somebody's very expensive calculator if it comes to that.

StephJP said...

Ha...math. The funny thing is, I don't have to study for the tests and I practically ace them. Josi and Amanda hate me for that.

Well, except for that last test. But that's just because I missed like 2 days of school and a complete lesson on dividing exponants. Stupid Boivin. It's so like him to give a test after people get back from band camp and have missed 2 classes. Yeesh.

Joi Grey said...

Lol i got 93% on that one Steph...Jealous of me for once...nah not likely anywho, ready for another band camp?