Tuesday, January 23, 2007

R.I.P Optimism

What's wrong with being happy? Just a question. It seems like everyone right now is getting so wrapped up in their problems and difficulties that they lose any youthful optimism they may have had. Every two seconds it seems somebody's feeling pissed or depressed, and the whole thing can be rather wearing for optimists like myself.
I'm not saying being happy ALL the time is a good thing, because it's not. That's just creepy. But people should definitely perk up a bit and realize the good things all around them. For example, this evening I was driving through downtown and I realized just how incredibly beautiful the city is. It's the little things that make life fantastic, and people need to cheer up. I know stuff's tough right now, and we all have our problems, but it wouldn't hurt to not have people smack me regularly for being "too damned perky!!"

On a totally unrelated note, musicals are awesome. Grease and Moulin Rouge are two of the best movies EVER. Right up there with the original star wars (see a previous post on the matter).


Joi Grey said...

Lol don't forget "The Sound of Music" and "Hair" Those are good musicals too... lol, my school did
Grease as our play when I was in gr. 7... I didn't go and watch though. STAR WARS!!! oh yes.... And you are too damn happy! Why can't you have random bouts of depression like the rest of us... then again that could just be the headache and lack of sleep talking (no I am NOT hungover) But yeah sometimes you just have to be depressed it's normal.

StephJP said...

OMG and rent!!! That's my fave musical in the world! It's so good, and it actually makes sense. Not like Moulin Rouge, where I had to watch it like 4 times to actually get what was going on.