Sunday, January 21, 2007

So Very, Very Nervous

I am soooooooooo infinite times a billion o's nervous about my audition tomorrow. I really hope I do well. I know I can play my songs perfect cause I practiced so much this week, but the question is, will I be able to play them perfect tomorrow in front of judge type people. I'm also nervous about my scales because I can play them and all, but I mess up sometimes if I forget which scale I'm actually playing. That sounds dumb, but too bad. It's true.
I'm not worried about my bari stuff, cause I love my bari and it would never let me down, but the alto stuff kinda makes me wanna hurt myself.

My audition is at 3:15 tomorrow and I really, really hope I do well. Not just ok or well, actually. I hope I do really, really good. Because I know that the other people auditioning may have years more experience than me (I've only been playing for 3 years) and they've probly practiced far more than me and they're just gonna be a whole lot better. But it's really important that I make it into this program. Ahhhh, what to do, what to do. I should be practicing right now, but my mouth is dead and I don't want to ruin my playing abilities for tomorrow.


Joi Grey said...

Seeing as its over and you have nothing to worry about... lol i met the music teacher from central the other day at band camp (guest conductor) And I bet you money he was one of the people who decides whether or not you're good enough. He was really nice and even came up to me at the end and complemented my playing, so if he was impressed by that (broken mouthpiece) and I've only been playing for 1 1/2 years I'm sure that he was more than impressed with how well you played

StephJP said...

Uh, yeah. But Josi's a tad music-obsessed and practices like all hours of the day (and night *wink*). So it doesn't really matter what Josi says, now, does it?

But she IS right about the Central dude. He's pretty sweet. I like that caffeine high Western teacher better, though. No offence (or, rather, a fence *coughnicocough*)