Saturday, January 6, 2007

Channeling the Jo-meister

I know you'll hate me for titling it that, Josi, but too bad. You used my quiz, I'm gonna use your summarized version of the day. It was a cool idea, and fun to read, and I feel like it. Not that I had an interesting day, but whatever.

  • Hmm... breakfast or shower first?
  • Aaahhh! Who turned on the dishwasher??
  • Oh no, can I talk on the phone and get dressed at the same time?
  • Do I end every sentence with a question mark?
  • Aw, he is the most adorable guy on this planet
  • Crap, is breakfast really breakfast after noon...
  • Dang, now I have to go to curling and be yelled at for two hours
  • YES!!! My skip (leader type person) isn't here!!
  • Ow! My butt! Jeez, note to self: Ice is slippery
  • Well, we lost, but we won by default anyways. Yay for mediocrity!
  • Alright, I can have anything I want for dinner since my parents are going out... what should I have...
  • Yum
  • Well, everyone else has tons of comments on their blogs. I have zero. Oh well, now I don't even have to try being interesting! People don't read this thing anyway!
  • Maybe I should write a thing like Josi's...

And that brings us up to this moment. I like being lame. It opens up more oppurtunities for things to write about. Low expectations are rather freeing, you know. No pressure.


Joi Grey said...

WOW... I'm the Jo-Meister? Never heard that one before... hmmm. Well I didn't know that you curled...that's ummm, interesting *coughboringcough* I never did understand the thrill behind that sport... oh well my loss I suppose *suppresses laughter*

Kim said...

Hey! Curling's exciting (sometimes). People die, ya know. Well, mostly they just fall and hurt their butts. But you get the jist.
The first time I ever curled I fell and had a splint for my wrist for a couple weeks. The sad part was I wasn't even doing anything at the time. Just standing still and then BAM. On the ice.

Joi Grey said...

hmmm... I'm inclined to disagree with your super cool theory about how cool curling is *gags* but ummm you can continue to think that and I won't dash your hopes too much that one day you'll get me to curl...*snicker*

StephJP said...

Ha, almost sounds like the time Josi and I went skating at Westside. Yeah, Josi, you remember that. (How could we forget?)

Joi Grey said...

Lol look out for the!!!!