- Hmm... breakfast or shower first?
- Aaahhh! Who turned on the dishwasher??
- Oh no, can I talk on the phone and get dressed at the same time?
- Do I end every sentence with a question mark?
- Aw, he is the most adorable guy on this planet
- Crap, is breakfast really breakfast after noon...
- Dang, now I have to go to curling and be yelled at for two hours
- YES!!! My skip (leader type person) isn't here!!
- Ow! My butt! Jeez, note to self: Ice is slippery
- Well, we lost, but we won by default anyways. Yay for mediocrity!
- Alright, I can have anything I want for dinner since my parents are going out... what should I have...
- Yum
- Well, everyone else has tons of comments on their blogs. I have zero. Oh well, now I don't even have to try being interesting! People don't read this thing anyway!
- Maybe I should write a thing like Josi's...
And that brings us up to this moment. I like being lame. It opens up more oppurtunities for things to write about. Low expectations are rather freeing, you know. No pressure.
WOW... I'm the Jo-Meister? Never heard that one before... hmmm. Well I didn't know that you curled...that's ummm, interesting *coughboringcough* I never did understand the thrill behind that sport... oh well my loss I suppose *suppresses laughter*
Hey! Curling's exciting (sometimes). People die, ya know. Well, mostly they just fall and hurt their butts. But you get the jist.
The first time I ever curled I fell and had a splint for my wrist for a couple weeks. The sad part was I wasn't even doing anything at the time. Just standing still and then BAM. On the ice.
hmmm... I'm inclined to disagree with your super cool theory about how cool curling is *gags* but ummm you can continue to think that and I won't dash your hopes too much that one day you'll get me to curl...*snicker*
Ha, almost sounds like the time Josi and I went skating at Westside. Yeah, Josi, you remember that. (How could we forget?)
Lol look out for the!!!! ....rocks....
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